So now my back is hurting. It feels like one of the disks in my lower back is sticking out. It hurts when I lay on a hard surface. It hurts when I’m in meditation. It hurts when I’m sitting at my desk. I’ve had this pain for a very long time. I’ve always been able to feel it, but it hasn’t hurt this bad for quite some time. I’m not sure what that’s about. I’m not interested in seeing a chiropractor. Been there and done that. I honestly feel like my first adjustment started my back issues many years ago. Nevertheless, I need to find some relief.
This process really is trial and error. It’s exciting on the one hand, but it’s also annoying on the other hand. I’m seeing improvements in so many areas, so let me stop the complaining. I will choose to be grateful for the progress that I have made and the things that I have learned about myself and my body. It’s important that I maintain a positive attitude throughout this journey. Just as I learned weeks ago, pain is just my body getting my attention and telling me it has a need. I can appreciate that because that means I can do something about it.
That’s what I will take away from today and do my best to hold onto as I continue on this road.