Today was cool.
I started the confidence tapping challenge two days ago, and today I stumbled upon a podcast that talked about courage, confidence, overcoming imposter syndrome, and personal boundaries. A few hours later, I saw an Instagram post from Tatianna Tarot addressed to Leo’s (I’m a Leo). It said, “March will be a wake-up call about boundaries,” and the way I’ll need to enforce them to attain some of my desires. The very last sentence of the message read, “March is a reminder of continuing to do the inner work.”
It’s no coincidence that as my focus turned to the matter of confidence, I began to get messages that would assist me in my growth.
I received those messages as affirmation that I’m not only on the right track, but I’m moving at the appropriate pace. I appreciate that more now, given how I usually want things to happen immediately. I believe it’s because I engage in the present moment much more than ever. I notice a lot more too. So many emotions, traumas, memories, and truths are coming up right now that it could be easy to get overwhelmed, but I don’t feel the need to fix every single thing that’s brought to my awareness. Sure, the truth is I have fear, so Iack confidence. I lack confidence, so I erode self-belief and self-trust. With little belief in myself and diminished self-trust, I find establishing and enforcing boundaries difficult. I then feel violated and resent myself because I played myself and allowed myself to be played. I haven’t made a full recovery. As I’ve fully accepted these things, I don’t feel like I’m so screwed up and need to fix myself. I tried. It doesn’t work that way. What’s working is admitting the truth each time things like this are brought to my awareness. What’s also working is allowing myself to feel what I really feel and then releasing the emotional charge attached to my stories and experiences, and detaching from the thoughts beliefs that shape my perception. And after that, setting my mind on things that affirm me and inspire me to consistent action.
Today these synchronicities felt like The All conspiring for my good, telling me what I need to continue on my journey. When things like this happen now, I just nod in acknowledgment (and further acceptance) that energy finds like energy, that so within, so without.